Saturday, November 12, 2011

Custom BOB Project - Update #2

I've used the replacement brush a couple times now and things seem to be holding up ok. Maybe the one that self-destructed was just a dud. I have high hopes of making it to the end of this BOB project without needing to order more brushes. Fingers crossed! Then I can order new brushes, thinner, and paint when its time for my next project. I acquired some critical pieces for that next project the other day, which I was so excited about that I am STILL doing a happy dance. Anyways, back to BOB...

Primer is finished on his waist/backside armor, which means his bottom half is officially finished being primed! The arms/hands have gone a little different than I planned. I had a lot of paint left over on my palette after I finished the first coat on the forearm, so I went ahead and did the hand next and then the upper arm before putting the final coat on the waist/backside. It wasn't a problem to do the entire arm and hand at once, so I'll do the other side the same way after I finish the current arm. Turns out that I didn't need to be worried about painting the tiny finger armor plates - the 0 brush I'm using handled it perfectly! I'm still not sure what I want to do after the arms are finished. I had planned to do the helmet first, but now I am thinking I might do the torso first. Practically I don't think it really matters much. More a question of what will satisfy my OCD LOL.

That's all for now. I'll be back soon!

Related blogs:
Custom BOB Project!
Custom BOB Project - Update #1 

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